Do You Like Beer?

Written By Chris C-Ford ---- Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I like beer. Each Monday night I have been doing what I call "Beer Fights". I take a brewery from somewhere near each of the teams in the Monday Night games (if possible) and along with some other "experts" we taste & rank 6 beers. (3 from each brewery) We then see if the winner of the beer contest is the winner of the game. (do not bet money based on this)

Doing this has given me the opportunity to try out some new beers and get wasted at the same time. All the beers can be found in Northern Virginia at Total Wine or Norms (in Vienna). Whole Foods has a decent selection as well. Feel free to play along at home.

Note: These are all micro-brews...If you don't know what that is, just drink more Coronas...

Beer Fights Week 1

Beer Fights Week 2

1 comment:

I barely know her said...

Thanks for specifying "Feel free to play along at home." Playing along at the office may be NSFW.