My camera sucks, My camera skills suck, These pictures suck
Ladies & a Sharpie...
Some Notes from the Scrimmage
- I drove 2 hours for this?
- Andray Blatche apparantly has been told that every time he is 15-17 feet from the basket he should face up and shoot. Not a big fan.
- Pecherov has an ugly shot...he missed tons
- Songalia & Pecherov are the same person
- As Gilbert walked away before the end of the game I screamed "Where are you going". He looked but i hid.
- Donell Taylor is still my favorite player
- J Dean = Cut
- I wish they sold beer
- G Wiz did the Soulja Boy and then took off his clothes. He was wearing a thong. I was too slow on the draw to get a picture.
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