Preseason Spurs

Written By Chris C-Ford ---- Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So Im watching this game on DVR in between innings. Andray Blatche is making me proud. He has done just about everything that I wrote he would do in the 15 man roster post.

--Steal, tries to take it up court, off his foot
--3 Point brick, and another long brick
--Through the legs dribble out of bounds
--Fast men in front of him...fingerroll
--Sulking around

On the plus side, he didn't foul that much

Some other notes

--McGuire isn't gonna see much playing time as he looks pretty bad. I feel sorry for him sometimes.
--Same with Pecherov, can this guy actually grab the ball
--Nick Young looks stronger, more confident, not smiling all the time
--Only 12 players dress. -Haywood -Arenas and?
--I want Roger Mason back
--Songaila has a sweet mid-range shot
--Caron Butler is so awesome
--Same goes for Antawn Jamison
--Where is the regular season?

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