Washington Wizards 15 Man Roster And A Psychological Exercise

Written By Chris C-Ford ---- Monday, October 29, 2012

The Washington Wizards begin their season on Tuesday night in Cleveland and the 15-man roster is official.  Shelvin Mack & Brian Cook were the odd men out, replaced by some new faces. (But oh no is that going to effect how good they were in the final 6 games of the season!!!!)

Every season, looking at the final 15 man roster is a frustrating and confusing process.  Why are these guys still on the team? Who are these other guys?  Isn't he a D-League player?

So I took a look at the roster and quickly wrote down one word that comes to mind when I hear that player's name.  Kind of a psychology type exercise.  Now originally I was going to write things like "Hate" and "Who?" and "GRRRRRR" but I decided to be a bit more positive.  Here are the results:

Some of these will most likely not make sense to you.  It is a personal exercise.  However, I encourage you to do the same thing that I did and post it in comments.  Here is a simple copy paste thing you can use:

John Wall:

AJ Price:
Jannero Pargo:
Cartier Martin:
Jordan Crawford:
Bradley Beal:
Martell Webster:
Trevor Ariza:
Chris Singleton:
Janet Vesely:
Earl Bannon:
Trevor Booker:
Emeka Okafor:
Kevin Seraphin:

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