JANuary Charity Donation

Written By Chris C-Ford ---- Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Since we are celebrating our favorite NBA basketball player Jan Vesely this JANuary, we figured that doing something good for the world would also be nice.

That is why the DC Sports Nexus will donate $1 to charity for every point that Jan Vesely scores this JANuary.  I'll let Jan pick the charity (if he doesn't respond I'll pick one)

If any company or organization wants to step up and contribute money for JANuary that would be cool too!  We are just poor bloggers, but a company with some cash could really make this count!  Perhaps if someone on the Wizards sees this they will donate?  

Right now as I'm writing this Jan just flew through the air for the JAN SLAM so thats already $2.

If you want to be a part of this, stay tuned to the DC Sports Nexus, and either comment here or let us know on twitter @DCSportsNexus.

Also if you know how I can set up a charity collection online so others can just contribute direct to the charity as a group, then let us know (editor@DCSportsNexus.com)

Happy JAN-uary! Let's help some people!

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