Deshawn Part VII: The Video

Written By Chris C-Ford ---- Friday, July 20, 2007

In honor of Deshawn Stevenson being re-signed for too much money, I feel it is only right to take a look back at some of the great DeShawn Stevenson moments of all time

During the season, Gilbert & Deshawn would talk alot of smack. Deshawn shooting over 50% self proclaimed himself "Mister Fifty" (or Mr 22% When It Counts). As you know, there was a video on YouTube showing the shooting contest between 1 handed college 3 Gilbert and two handed NBA 3 Deshawn. Really I have nothing to say, as it all has been said before. But its important in his career so here is the link to the video you have already seen.

This video made Deshawn a household name (for a week). I can imagine people saying..."Hey did you see that video of Gilbert Arenas and...Deron Johnston...or Steven DeShawnson...or Shawn Stephenson...whatever...the one where Gilbert smoked that other dude" It was like Deshawn was the Washington Generals aka "The team that always loses to the globetrotters"...The other guy in Wham (stolen from Conan)...etc

But at least it was positive and gave the local fans another reason to love Deshawn

Side Note: The Wizards did a good job of marketing using YouTube here...

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